Monday, April 28, 2008

Why don't they come with instructions??

I really loved it when Brooklyn only nursed! There was no extra steps in the feeding process, she would nurse on both sides then I sent her on her way! Ahh...that was the good old days.

Now, we are feeding her, trying different foods to see what she will like and trying to watch to see if she has an reaction to any of them. And that brings me to this weekend.

Let me start from the beginning! We started feeding Brooklyn cereal (mixed grains) at 5 1/2 mths and she HATED every second of it. She would gag herself and ~if~ she act any of it she would puke it up within an 1 or 2 after eating it. Since she wasn't doing too well with mixed grains, we decided to give try Oatmeal a try. Who doesn't like oatmeal. (Alright, I don't like oatmeal, but I am crazy picky with foods) Brooklyn also HATED that, the same things happened. She gaged then puked. I was through with the puking so we just moved on to fruits and veggies. From then on she has not had a problem. YEAH!!

Well, we got a sample of Beech Nut Good Morning Oatmeal with Apples & Bananas in the mail. Instead of it going to waste, I thought, it has been a while since we tried cereal lets give it a try!

She ate it and LOVED it! She was actually fussing because I wasn't shoveling it into her mouth fast enough. Yeah! Dave went to the grocery store later that morning and bought a box so she could eat tomorrow too.

I put her down for her first nap at about 9:30am and when I went to get her at 12pm she had barfed everywhere! When I say everywhere, I mean that it was so much that she had to get into the tub to get clean.


So with the from Dave, we stripped her down and I bathed her while Dave changed the sheets on her bed. I think that I got the better job. hehehe I guess that she REALLY doesn't like cereal! We won't be trying cereal anytime soon. To make matters worse, Dave and I had Co-ed softball practice so we had to feed her again and run out the door. On the way to the field, she puked again! All over everything and she had a puddle of puke in her car seat! yuck! Of course, we didn't have any extra clothes so Brooklyn was at the softball field with just her bum genius 3.0 on. Cute uh!

Parents of the year, right here! I just kept telling people that, "She normally has clothes on, next time that you see her she will be clothed!"

Oh well...Do you think that she has a allergy or something else?


Patty said...

I loved your story. Sounds like her system doesn't like cereal. Allergy, maybe, unless she had a little virus. I think that you are right, you had the better job. I hope that everyone enjoyed softball practice. Did you get the car seat cleaned?

Leslie Moats said...

I don't know. Ella has the stomach virus. She only threw up once, hopefully it is only 24 hrs. Maybe she does have something like that? I would wait to feed her anymore and ask the doctor at the next visit! Since Ella has been throwing up we won't be at the play group tomorrow. I don't want to take any chances.

mom/grammy said...

she must had liked the taste,but it just didn't agree with her.your on the right track..trying different things though..things dont always go as planned..this is just little taste of motherhood :o)

love ya Mom