Wednesday, June 4, 2008

And with further ado...

I haven't blogged in a while, and have been told that I need to update. If you have been looking for an update you can Thank Julie and Lorrie for harassing my today!

Anywho, this weekend, Patty (Dave's Mom) came for a quick visit. She has been up to Morgantown almost every month since Brooklyn has been born. She really should just buy a house here now that gas prices are so bad. It was a great visit! She was able to hang out with Brooklyn and while she was doing that I was able to make some baby purees. (I made Brooklyn some chicken, but that is another post)

Patty has been wanting to get her pictures taken with Brooklyn for a few months now and Dave volunteered me to be the photographer. I ~love~ taking/having photo shoots with Brooklyn during the day BUT I don't have to show anyone the pictures if they suck. Well after A LOT pleading from Dave, we had a photo shoot with Brooklyn and Patty (Grams). Here are that pictures for the shoot!





That is all for now!

~I promise to blog in the next week!~ At the most two weeks! LOL


Anonymous said...

Glad I can post again! Doug likes th eoics too!

Anonymous said...


your just too cute for words...see ya soon.

Love Grammy :o)

Heidi Ho said...

These are amazing pictures Amber. I love them! you have a gift, truly!