Friday, June 26, 2009

38 week update -

Nothing crazy exicting but wanted to let everyone know that I am STILL pregnant. Had an appointment yesterday and here are my newest stats...

3cm dialated
70% effaced
baby is at -1 station
lots of cramping/aches
no real contraction but LOTS of braxton hicks

Anyones guess we wait. Dave, Brooklyn and I are probably going or a walk tonight as long as it doesnt rain.

Send LOTS of prayers our way, we will need them!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

End of an era...

That's's the end of an era!

So sad!

The truck is no more. Never to haul anything again. :(


I am sure that you all heard about the Toyota Tacoma Truck recall last year. Well, to make a long story short - in Tacomas made betweeen 1995 - 2000 the frame of the car may or may not be safe. Basically, the frame would rust completely away leaving the car undrivable.


The way that they checked to make sure YOUR truck was 'safe' to drive was that they hit the frame with a hammer (not really sure what kind of hammer). If the hammer put a whole in the frame the truck would be unsafe, if it didn't you were alright until next year.

Last year Dave took it in and it passed with flying colors. Yay! Dave was very happy as he REALLY did not want to lose his truck. He really loved it...he has even had it since college.

So Dave took the truck in for its annual frame check and this is what happened...


If you look close - you can see the large, circular whole covered with rust. That's didnt pass! Dave was 'allowed' to drive the truck home to clean it out, etc. I was happy about that since I wanted to see the truck one last time.

RIP will be missed!

Just ~another~ way to sleep!

Yup! That's right, Brooklyn has found a NEW and IMPROVED way to take a nap.

Sitting Up!

Dont worry I took pictures to share...Enjoy!



And YES, I did lay her down before leaving the room! What kind of mama do you think I am?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Maternity Pictures

I was so excited to get maternity pictures done for this pregnancy! Since Brooklyn's pregnancy was SO stressful we never got around to it. Since Keena was here this weekend through Tuesday we decided to pack Brooklyn up and go get some pitures taken. I think that they turned out great....









Not too much longer fellow is getting SO close!