Saturday, February 21, 2009

Getting to know you...Ugh, I mean ME!

This is from my friend Nancy's blog...she wants to get to know all of her blog friends. SO here I go...ENJOY!

Q1: Let's say you are driving by yourself in the middle of a long drive. You are in a good mood and you have every album ever made available to listen to. Name 1-3 albums you would choose to listen to.

A1: I cant think of the albums BUT I do have the Top 3 singers/bands/eras...

1. Any thing from the 90's. It ALL rocks!

2. At the moment Taylor Swift

3. All American Rejects

Q2: Let's say you have been dating a guy for 1 year and he just broke up with you. What ~sad~ break-up music would you listen to?

A2: Probably something from Mariah Carey (back when she was still cool though)

Q3: Now you are more pissed for him breaking up than sad. What ~angry~ music would you choose?

A3: Alanis Morissette - she has some good angry music

Q4: You are on death row and have been offered a last meal. What would you pick?

A4: Oh my...My Aunt Debbies potato salad, burnt hotdogs, corn on the cob and my Grandmas kinklins YUM-O

Q5: You have a free night to hang out with your friends and you get to pick the night. What would you choose to do? If you would go somewhere to have drinks, what kind of club/bar would you want to go? Would you rather have a girls only night? Or mixed company?

A5: I would probably pick to go shopping in another city followed by dinner/drinks (if I wasnt knocked up, of course) Always a Girls Night. Those men can fend for themselves!

Q6: You are on your night out with friends and someone else is the designated driver. You have all night and nothing to do in the morning but sleep. What would you choose to drink? What level of drunkenness would you chose to achieve?

A6: I would drink...I probably wouldnt get 'drunk' since Brooklyn would still be there in the am!

Q7: Your designated driver is now driving everyone home and offers to stop anywhere you want to feed your drunk ass. What would you pick?

A7: Always McDonalds! YUM-O

Q8: You have a gift certificate for 2 pairs of shoes to a shoe store that carries every brand of shoe in the world and every shoe costs the exact same amount. What casual shoe would you pick? What dress shoe would you pick?

A8: I am not really into if we were talking purses or clothes then that would be a different story all together!

Q9: Let's say these things all cost the exact same and you are told to pick ~three~ things. What would you pick?: Pair of shoes. Handbag. Bundle of craft items. Outfit at your favorite store. Day at the spa. MP3 player. Dinner & drinks at your favorite restaurant. Concert tickets to your favorite band. 3 month gym membership. Hotel room at the city's fanciest hotel. Makeup/beauty bundle. Haircut and color. A kitchen appliance like an espresso machine, something frivolous.

A9: something frivolous, a kitchen appliance & a tie between a spa day and a handbag.

Q10: What do you do for a living? Is it your dream job? If not, what is your dream job?

A10: I stay at home...Yes, it is my dream job! Now only if it paid actual money! LOL

Q11: Do you have a college degree? If yes, what is it in? If no, are you planning to go back?

A11: Yes, Elementary Education K - 6

Q12: If you could start your education over, would you change anything? If so, what?

A12: I might have a double major also major in Photography.

Q13: What are your summer hobbies. (Things you actually do, not things you would like to do but rarely do them. For instance, many people say "hiking" although they can't remember the last time they went.)

A13: Playing Co-ed softball, swimming, walking, and eating loads of yummy summer foods.

Q14: What are your winter hobbies?

A14: Staying warm, going to WVU football & basketball games, hanging out with friends.

Q15: Are you ~happy~ with your life? If not, what would make you happy?

A15: Yes, I have a awesome husband, beautiful daughter and another exciting blessing on the way. I really cant complain...well, at least not that much!

Friday, February 13, 2009


I am not one to ~ever~ be impressed with something that a celebrity does or says but finally I am.

After hearing about so many celebrity moms having elective c-sections (at 37wks) to fit the birth into there schedule, lying about the obvious fertility treatments that they have used, and refusing to nurse their children for silly reasons FINALLY a celebrity mom that is actually doing something that I am proud of.

Selma Hayek not only is ~proud~ to be STILL nursing her 16mth old and gladly does in public. She actually was taped nursing a 1 week old sick baby in Africa. She wasn't worried about what the world would think, if she would still be able to get into the coolest restaurants and about what acting gigs this would get her. She wanted the BEST for this baby and gave it to him because his mother couldn't.

I just hope that others read this article and they start to think that maybe this sound be the norm and NOT the other way around.

Just in case Selma ever reads my blog....Great Job...As a fellow nursing mom, I am hope that more people start to think like you and I!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Puke Fest 2009

It finally happened...after almost 17 mths of no puking Brooklyn ~finally~ caught her first stomache bug.

It hit her really fast and really came out of no where. We went to the WVU basketball game on Saturday afternoon (a 4pm game) and then went to dinner with the 'other' Shrewsberrys. We were having a great time. Brooklyn and J were playing like always. They actually got in trouble a few times for being loud in the resturant and running around.

We all ate a good meal...Brooklyn probably ate more than anyone (nothing odd about that). Dave, Brooklyn and I got home, changed Brooklyns diaper and put her to bed. She was really tired and seemed happy to see her crib.

About 10ish, I was tired and went to bed. Went to check on Brooklyn (cover her up again, find the pacis that are thrown out, etc.) when I moved her she felt a little warm and then I found the puke.

There was a huge pile of it! Thankfully, there was none on her just in the crib. I called Dave in and while I held the puke girl he cleaned the crib and put new sheets on it. While he was doing that, Brooklyn puked again, and again, and again.

Basically, the lag time between puke sessions was just long enough to change her sheets, clothes, and put her back to sleep. This continued until about 2am when she was just SO exhasted that she couldn't keep her eyes open. Poor thing....

Sunday, she slept in until after 11am and then took another 3 hour nap in the late afternoon. Today, Monday, she is still moving slower and not eating as much...but other than that she is great. We have done a lot of TV watching on the couch this morning and will probably do that this evening too.

I hope that everyone elses weekend didnt include puke!