Friday, February 13, 2009


I am not one to ~ever~ be impressed with something that a celebrity does or says but finally I am.

After hearing about so many celebrity moms having elective c-sections (at 37wks) to fit the birth into there schedule, lying about the obvious fertility treatments that they have used, and refusing to nurse their children for silly reasons FINALLY a celebrity mom that is actually doing something that I am proud of.

Selma Hayek not only is ~proud~ to be STILL nursing her 16mth old and gladly does in public. She actually was taped nursing a 1 week old sick baby in Africa. She wasn't worried about what the world would think, if she would still be able to get into the coolest restaurants and about what acting gigs this would get her. She wanted the BEST for this baby and gave it to him because his mother couldn't.

I just hope that others read this article and they start to think that maybe this sound be the norm and NOT the other way around.

Just in case Selma ever reads my blog....Great Job...As a fellow nursing mom, I am hope that more people start to think like you and I!


Kenneth said...

I read that article and wanted to find Salma and hug her and THANK HER for putting such a positive story out there about breastfeeding!

I loved the article and love her even more now!!

-emily (sept07)

nancy said...

I was also impressed by this. Awesome.

I only breastfeed until the 1 year mark, but if my baby showed signs of being stressed out over not nursing anymore, I'd consider nursing until the 2 year mark. Personally, after that, it kind of ookes me out. But at 1 year, both my babies had zero problems letting it go. I think I was more sad than either of them were!