Monday, May 4, 2009

Baby Shower - May 3rd, 2009

I had my first of two baby showers this yesterday evening. It was really low key since this is my third pregnancy (2nd baby). Shannon planned and threw it for me. We invited a bunch of people expecting most of them NOT to come. Well, we needed up with a huge crowd...I think like 17 people all together.

We had it at Panera Bread at dinnertime...So Yummy! We just ate, chatted and ate super yummy cake! Here are some pics - ENJOY!

My 31wks pic - Before I left!

The girls -

Me and the yummy cake!
Me and the cake

All the pregnant people that were at the shower! LOL I swear that it is in the water here!
All the pregnant ladies at the shower.

Me with the presents before I opened them.
The presents!

We had a great time! I feel so blessed to even be having ONE shower let alone TWO!

Oh yeah - I registered for CD and got my first set of NB prefolds from GMD! They are already in the wash getting soft and cute! Yay!

Shannon made a baby pool and had everyone sign up! They had to guess when, what and how big the baby would be. It was really interesting to see what everyone thought.

There was a tie on boys vs. girls.
The dates ranged from June 27th to July 10th...the most popular was July 9th (3 days PAST my due date) LOL
The weight ranged from 7lbs. 10oz. to a whopping 8lbs. 15oz. (Who knows...Brooklyn was 7lbs 1oz at THREE weeks early and this baby is measuring 3 - 4 ahead ...I have another U/S on Friday for growth.


Baby Hancock said...

sorry about the 8lbs 15 oz guess, but I figured if you made it to July 8 (was that the day I picked?), he/she would be pretty big by then! Ha ha!

What a fun time visiting and watching you open gifts! Thanks for inviting me!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was fun having the shower and hanging out with everyone!What a fun group of friends!