Friday, October 16, 2009

3 Month Old...when did that happen?

And I thought that Brooklyn's first year went by fast.  Braxton's first year is going even faster if that is even possible.

What have we been up to - well, in one word surviving....  I know that sounds dramatic, but really that is what we are doing.  Braxton is so much more different than Brooklyn than I had ever thought would be possible.

Currently, we are trying to understand/deal with his sleeping habits.  During the day he is so random in his sleeping habits that it is hard to know when and how long he is going to sleep.  Then like a flip of the switch at night he sleeps from 8ish pm until 6 or 7ish am.  I know - crazy right. 

I was telling Dave the other day that it seems like he only sleeps X amount of hours and when those hours are up he is done sleeping for the day. 

Who knows what his little mind is thinking....We are dealing with it and hoping to start understanding him more the next several months.

I dont have his 3 mth stats  - but his next pedi appointment is next Friday so I will update this blog post then.


Heidi Ho said...

Amber, I know the sleep stuff is so hard when they don't "do" what you need them/or want them to do. Sophie NEVER did what any book said she should or would do. Any tummy problems cause that to be all screwed up as well. I had to finally "let it go" and just accept what she wanted to do until I was smart enough to figure out her "trigger". It took me nearly 8 months to find out some of them. (I am a slow learner). Do you have Heather's email. She is doing a sleep clinic at WVU still. She is around once a month and her email is still the same...If you are really worried, I bet she wouldn't mind and email. Sending good sleep vibes your way. I really am proud of you and how well you are doing! I don't know if you realize that some of us look up to your strength and conviction to be the best mama you can be!!! : ) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there...there is light at the end of the tunnel..

Love Mom :0)