First, a update on Brooklyn...she is feeling loads better. She is still a little congested and snotty but overwise great. She has not had a fever for over a week. WOO HOO! I hope that is the last cold she has in a while...Mommy can't take it! LOL
~If~ I haven't already called you to tell you this (If you didn't hear from me, check your voicemail!) disregaurd the next few sentences. Everyone else, today is National Pancake Day! To celebrate this wonderful day, IHOP is giving away FREE pancakes. I know that there are poeple rolling their eyes right now but I don't care there FREE PANCAKES.
Dave, Brooklyn and I went this evening after Dave worked out (I don't know why, he was going to a bunch of pancakes later on) and they were awesomely great! With the "free pancakes" deal we were able to get 3 giant pancakes each. Of course, we ordered some sides. Dave copied me and got sauage and fries. I told him that he should think outside my box...he didn't laugh though! Brooklyn loved watching us eat and everyone coming and going. She is really starting to realize that others are all around her.
I wonder id IHOP does this every year? If so, I can't wait until next year! I think that Free Pancake Day is better than Free Scoop Day at Baskin Robins. I think that I can say that since there is no Baskin Robins in our town...If we were still in Frederick I would have to think a little harder about it.
Alright, that is enough about pancakes...on to cloth diapers!
Even before Brooklyn was born, I have thought about cloth diapering my children. I never really preused it for two reasons....1~ because I thought Dave would poo-poo the idea and I didn't know enough about it to convience him otherwise and 2~ cloth diapering is extremely overwhelming. If you have ever researched cloth diapers, you would know there are about 5 - 10 different styles of diapers and within that there are hundreds of different brands of diapers out there.
Over the past week into weekend and back into this week, I have researched my brains out about cloth diapers. Dave has been just great! If is really supportive of the how cloth diapering idea (Dave likes wo save money any way possible) and has listened to all lmy ramblings, thoughts,and guestions (even though he knows less than me)and I have finally come to a decision!
I am going to "attempt" to cloth diaper Brooklyn and any other child that Dave and I might have.
Now, I guess you are thinking "Why did she say attempt?" Well, I said attempt only because that is what I am going to do. I am going to see what happens. I have ordered a trial package of diapers from The trial package comes with several different types diapers as well as different styles of diapers. This way I will be able to 'try' each of them on Brooklyn and see what fits her and what works well with our family. With the trial package I will be able to 'try' the diapers for 21 days and return what I don't like! Over all, this deal is great for someone that is just starting out. I will post pics of Brooklyn sporting her new Cloth Diaps when we get them...I am getting really excited!
So now here comes your part in this new cloth diapering adventure...If I start to complain, or say that I am stressed out by diapering. Remind me of the reasons why I won't to do this in the first place.
Reasons to Cloth Diaper~ (Not in any order)
1. Save at $1000 per child that uses cloth diapers.
2. Better for the enviroment. Going GREEN a little at a time!
3. Protecting Brooklyn's bum and keeping harse chemicals that come from diapers away from her bum.
4. I want to keep Brooklyn's and her children's world a little less trash free.
5. Because I love her enough to give her what "I THINK" is the very best!
PS...If you saw any spelling errors, blame blogspot! Their spellcheck STILL doesn't work. Brooklyn wants to play with Mommy so I dont have time to go back a check it!