Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bad, Bad Blogger..

God, I have been sucking lately.

Sorry about that...We have loads going on but can't find the energy to type.

Only enough energy to lay, eat when I am not nauseous and go to WVU sporting events.

You gotta have priorities.

Will update soon. Promise! Until then...


nancy said...

I always found eating small things ~all day~ helps with the nausea. Once I'm nauseated, I'm screwed as nothing helps.

With my second pregnancy, red grapes totally helped though. Only 3 1/2 weeks to make it to 2nd trimester - hopefully you'll feel better by then!

Heidi Ho said...

ginger ale, saltines, and believe it or not, citrus. I ate a million grapefruits when I was pregnant. Rest up!!!