Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Black Belt Testing...

After 3 long years, one pregnancy with bedrest and now another pregnancy I have completed my Black Belt training and PASSED my test.

I was super worried all week but everything went really great! I broke my boards and completed all THREE of my forms. Now, to get my actual black belt! Casey's ATA should be having a Black Belt Ceremony either this week or next.

I have most of the testing uploaded on facebook but will just post my board breaking video.



Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I am thankful to have a sister-in-law such great abilities! Good job!Shannon

Baby Hancock said...

Congrats! You have gone through lots of hard work (and obstacles) to earn that! Way to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome..what that old commerical with the little boy saying...nobody bothers me.
very proud of you,