Friday, April 24, 2009

30wk Midwife Appointment

I have not posted about this pregnancy in a while so I thought that I would update everyone.

This pregnancy is proving to be very much LESS stressful than Brooklyns. Praise God! I know that many of you have been praying for me and this pregnancy and it seems to be working. Yea!

I had my 30wk appointment this morning. I still cant believe that I am ALREADY going to every 2 week appointments and that this baby could be here in as little as 10 WEEKS. Crazy but exciting!

My weight and blood pressure were good! I ~was~ up 6lbs total from my last appointment but have seemed to lose 2lbs in the last 2 weeks. I really don't know what I am doing to NOT gain weight. Ask Dave, I eat EVERYTHING! hehehe

My urine had some protein in it AGAIN! Ugh...I swear that I drink water! They want to test my urine for a silent UTI just to rule it out. Other than that, they are NOT worried about it.

The baby is STILL measuring 3 - 4 weeks ahead. I am 29wks 4days and the baby is measuring at least 32wks. Not a huge difference, but big enough that they went ahead and scheduled a ultrasound for sizing. She asked how big Brooklyn was at birth (I told her...7lbs 1oz - 3 weeks early) and she told me that I could just have big babies. I guess only time will tell. They scheduled that ultrasound for 2 wks from now (with my next appointment). I will be sure to update after. I have to say that I am excited to see this little person again.

They baby is currently HEAD DOWN! I was so happy to hear that. I have been stressing and stressing about it for weeks. He/She is head down with its back to the left side and feet on the right. Please pray that he/she stays that way!

I am still meeting with Teresa (my doula) and getting ready for my VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section). I have a new belly pic that needs to be uploaded...hopefully, I will be able to do that later today or tomorrow!

Hope that everyone is enjoying the wonderful weather, I know that we are!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how your appointment went, but I didn't get to call. Glad he/she is head down...yeah! And a bonus ultrasound...woohoo!