I couldn't believe everything that that they showed us. Everyone was so nice there, willing to answer a ton of questions by adults and kids! I will give you some of the highlights of the tour.
~We went in the Hall of Fame Room - It housed all of the trophies the team has won. This area is open to the public and is free to go in. The tour guide (Brandon, I think) told us that it is open before and after every home game.

~ We were able to tour the Press Box, President's Suite and the Coach's Wifes Suite. They were awesome! In these suites the occupants are given a buffet of food, drinks, and whatever else they want. Brandon also told us that the cost of these suite is a mere $40K with a 3 year commitment. WOW...I know what will be saving my money for. I think that I might need a bigger piggy bank though!

From one of the suites we were able to watch the players practice on the field. Pat White threw some passes and ran a little. It was a great preview to the coming season. We even saw his little brother, who looks exactly like Pat; only a little smaller. As the players were walking into weight room, the Moms were trying to get there attention. We probably looking like some love struck teenager banging on the glass and waving.

~Finally, we were able to run and play on the field. It was GREAT!!!! In the beginning of the tour the tour guide said that if the players were on the field that we wouldn't be able to tour the field.
Side note--Apparently, last week there was a tour. During that tour they went on the field ~during~ practice and ALL the little boys ran onto the field wanting to get Pat's autograph...Easy to say that, practice was over after that! LOL
Fortunately, the players high tailed it off the field before the tour was over and we were able to play on it for a while. Let me tell you...walking out onto the field was SO great and surreal. I always wanted to "rush" the field after a game (ask Dave, I am always telling him that I want to rush the field) to feel the field under my feet and look up to the stands. Well it was awesome . Brooklyn even loved putting her bare feet on the turf and trying at the black pellets that makes the field softer. Yuck!

I can't wait to go back! Lets Go.....Mountaineers!

I am jealous, but also extremely excited for you. I love the pics of you guys!
I see it now Brooklyn cheering for
for the Mountaineers...that is way to cute ..little cheer leader outfit.
Love much Mom
Sounds like so much fun! We are still at Ruby and will be until tomorrow at the earliest. Sophie is doing SO MUCH better!!! By the way, she has the same cheerleading outfit. I predict a photo op!!
miss ya!
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