Tuesday, December 23, 2008

~Merry Christmas~

I can't believe that it is Christmas already! (well, in a couple of days) Dave, Brooklyn and I are spending this Christmas in Frederick. If you didn't already know that is where I grew up.

Every year my whole family comes over Christmas morning to open presents, eat some yummy food and relax. Did I mention the food! I am really excited that my morning sickness is starting to end and I will be able to eat it all. Yum!

This past weekend, we had Christmas with Dave's family. It was great. I haven't uploaded pics yet but will when we get back from Friday.

I didn't send out Christmas Cards this year...I just plum ran out of time. Most were already addressed but couldn't complete the whole process. Anyway, maybe next year...

I wanted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and an even better New Year. If you are going to the WVU Bowl game...cheer loud and make sure that we win. If we don't, it will be your fault. :)

Since it is the holiday season, I uploaded Adam Sandlers Holiday songs for your veiwing pleasure. I know that you have probably heard them but they are my FAVORITE songs during the holiday!


The Christmas Song -

The Hanukkah Song - really my fave!