Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why do things have to change?

Let me first say, this will be a little bit of an vent. ~If~ you don't want to read a vent I would just walk away from the computer right now!

Change: (V) to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone

I ~hate~ change. I hate everything about it, I hate it with a passion. I have always felt this way, as long as I can remember. I have feared/loathed new steps in my life for fear of what would happen next or for fear that I couldn't handle or like it. I hate that other peoples problems can also force change in YOUR life. I like my life and the people it...why do people leave? You get older...You lose touch with friends, You get are labeled different than people how are not, Find a couple that you ~both~ enjoy hanging out with...they get divorced and then you are forced to like the new other , Have a baby...Now I am a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom).

Now don't get me wrong, I know that everyone has to have change in their life or they would just stay the same and never grow. Not even ~all~ change is bad. Sometimes you can change for the better which is great!(ie. Brooklyn) But even with great change, you can still be scared as hell about the outcome.

Personally though, all I can say is that I have had enough with change over the past year or two. ENOUGH... at least for a little while. What really gets me is that people act like it really isn't a big deal. They make comments like...'Well, get over it' , 'Its not like you will never see them' or my favorite 'Why do you care so anyway'. Why do I care...probably because it is MY LIFE!

It seems like there is a ripple effect with change. If you change one minute aspect of your life, it then changes everything. Alright, I think that I feel better!

Does anyone else out there in blog world agree OR am I just crazy?


Anonymous said...

Well, Amber I don't always like things to change either...but as you said....some change is good....J, Brooklyn, you guys moving back, all of our friends' babies, new football coach, etc. ....if we have to have change, at least it's good to know some is good!

Lauren said...

Hey, Amber! Thanks for being so authentic! This blog really humbled me and made me think (which is amazing in itself) because often times I forget that my sin/poor decisions always effect other people. We tend to think that our decisions need to be made based on how we feel without realizing how they can potentially effect other people. I'm really sorry about your friends. I'm proud of you for caring. More people should take their vows seriously and realize they made those vows to love eachother well ALWAYS to more than just each other. Thankfully for me, that's really easy for someone like me to say when my husband is great. Wow, thats a long, rambling comment... LOVE YOU!